You're as Powerful as the Sky

Pema Chodron said “You are the sky. Everything else - it’s just the weather.”

I used to think I was underneath the storm of overeating - scurrying around with an umbrella, trying to dodge the rain, sleet and snow of bingeing and restricting, trying to find shelter, trying to stay protected. I’d end up beaten down and miserable.

My Overeating thoughts ARE stormy clouds sometimes full of lightening thunder and hail - I wasn’t wrong there. But I’m not scurrying around underneath them - I’m the sky above them. They are transient things, where I (and my higher power) am stable, serene, and so much bigger.

Sometimes they still storm and for a moment I feel drenched in them. Then I take a deep breath and get perspective again. I let the storm pass. It can take as long as it needs.

If overeating feels threatening today, remember - the sky is never threatened by the clouds. You are being called to step into a place far above those storms. This is the place of new power.

If you’re interested in working with me privately to change your relationship with food and lose weight for good, click here: