Was Food Your First Addiction?

For most of us, food was the first place our addictive thoughts/feelings/and behaviors showed up.

Sneaking snacks out of the pantry. Eating under the covers at night, or keeping a stash in the back of our closet. Overeating at our friends’ houses. Feeling confused about why we seemed to care about food more than the other kids did.

And, restricting (dieting) at an early age.

We didn’t know WHY we were like this. We just felt so much better when we got to eat like we wanted to.

Then we discovered alcohol, which worked 10,000 better than food.

And now, sober - we might feel like we’re picking up where we left off with the food. Except now we’re aware that we’re doing it.

This is so common - it’s ny experience and so many others’ too.

Food was our first addiction.

It can also be our last!

Brooke RandolphComment