What’s More Toxic – Eating Sugar or Avoiding it?
Hot take friends:
I used substance obsession to bypass emotional sobriety with food.
I read the headlines. I believed that sugar = alcohol / sugar = cocaine / sugar = heroin. I mean, it made sense right? I was feeling and acting similarly with sugar/flour/salt that I did with alcohol.
So why weren’t the same tools working??
Well, OF COURSE, the very thing I was avoiding was the very thing the stop-overeating journey was calling me to do.
I had to stop obsessing about this idea that if I could just quit every morsel of sugar and flour forever I’d be free free free (NEVER happened even when I successfully DID quit those things for years at a time).
I had to look at the stinking thinking (not just about food).
I had to do some real mental strength work. Some real emotional growth. Some real serenity work. It was SO much bigger than the sugar.
And when I did it, that work was more powerful than the food. Sugar and flour came back in - thoughtfully, carefully, sparingly - but never again as the focus of my life.
I lost the weight.
I found the missing piece to the sobriety puzzle.
I’m pretty sure my HP designed it that way.
This is my story. I never tell others what to eat (besides nutrition suggestions). This is a personal journey.
What I do teach is the emotional sobriety tools that set me free from overeating. When those tools are strong, WHAT to eat becomes much less interesting than WHY. And the why becomes much more personal than ever before.
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