A simple start
If you’ve been struggling or simply unable to make changes that stick in your eating habits, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed:
“What do I eat? When do I eat? What nutrition do I need? Do I have to cook everything? Can I have a little sugar or none at all? When am I going to get to the grocery store? How much do I need for the week? What about my partner’s birthday in two weeks? What plan should I follow? Do I have time to exercise? Nevermind, this is impossible…”
Overwhelm is the “spin cycle” setting of the addicted brain. It’s primary purpose is to create fear of change, so that we stay in addiction. Our work is to release it entirely.
Here’s the #truth: getting started is simple.
Pick one high-impact task (example: eat three meals today).
2. Apply it for 24 hours.
3. That’s it.
Did your brain just raise a lot more questions? That’s overwhelm! Release it and proceed.
You can do it.