Cravings and Urges - A New Perspective
For sober people who now struggle with overeating, cravings and urges are an enormous obstacle to weight loss. It’s not because you’re broken – it’s because a mind prone to addiction is different from “normal” eaters, and the way we respond to urges is different than our fellows.
Below is a link to download a free guide to urges and cravings - 5 effective techniques to respond to urges without white-knuckling so you can stay on your healthy eating plan.
This guide details a new perspective on cravings. This is not an attempt to avoid them, but the ability to have our own backs through them - a repeatable process that allows us to say “no thank you” to any food, in any situation, with authority and choice.
Here’s the link to download your guide:
I hope you find it helpful through the holiday season, and into the New Year.